Company of geophysical equipment HT

High world standard of quality of both product that is geophysical equipment and service which became a core principle on which the company develops its reputation.



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At present the company produces various kinds of geophones at about one million per year. Only trained and certified specialists are permitted to manufacture of the products. In accordance with the production engineering the parts pass through different operating steps and control.
All products are under acceptance tests (100% control).
Periodic testing is carrying out according to the approved plan including a list of necessary work and time of tests fulfillment.
Geophones HT-5, HT-S1
High sensitivity with high noise immunity.
Sensor parameters HT-5, HT-S1
Parameter Value
HT-5 HT-S1
Natural Frequency (Hz) 5±5% 10±3.5%
Open Circuit Damping 0.70±5% 0.5±3.5%
Damping  With  Calibration - Shunt 30 kOm   0.70±3.5%
Open  Circuit  Sensitivity (v/m/s) 98.0±5% 145.0±3.5%
Sensitivity  With  Calibration - Shunt 30 kOm (v/m/s)   135.0±3.5%
Coil Resistance (Ω) 1800±5% 1660±3.5%
Harmonic Distortion (%) ≤0.1 ≤0.1
Typical Spurious Frequency (Hz) ≥250 ≥250
Moving Mass (g) 15.8 34
Allowable Tilt (°) 10° 20°
Typical  Case  To  Coil  Motion (mm) 2 1.5
Unit Diameter (mm) 27.3 33
Unit Height (mm) 33.5 33.5
Unit Mass (g) 105 210
Operating Temperature (℃) -40℃...+80℃ -40℃...+80℃
Limited Warranty Period (Year) 1 3
HT-5 Frequency Response Curve  HT-S1 Frequency Response Curve
Geophones НТ-G1.
High sensitivity with high noise immunity.
Tolerance ± 3.5%.
Sensor parameters HT-G1
Parameter Value
Type A Type B
Natural Frequency (Hz) 10±3.5% 10±3.5%
Open Circuit Damping 0.48±3.5% 0.54±3.5%
Damping  With  Calibration - Shunt 1 kOm 0.70±3.5%  
Open  Circuit  Sensitivity (v/m/s) 90.5+5%-3.5% 90.5+5%-3.5%
Sensitivity  With  Calibration - Shunt 1 kOm (v/m/s) 83.2+5%-3.5%  
Coil Resistance (Ω) 1800±3.5% 1800±3.5%
Harmonic Distortion (%) ≤0.1 ≤0.1
Typical Spurious Frequency (Hz) ≥250 ≥250
Moving Mass (g) 11.8 11.8
Allowable Tilt (°) 10° 10°
Typical  Case  To  Coil  Motion (mm) 1.5 1.5
Unit Diameter (mm) 27 27
Unit Height (mm) 33.5 33.5
Unit Mass (g) 103 103
Operating Temperature (℃) -40℃...+80℃ -40℃...+80℃
Limited Warranty Period (Year) 3 3
Geophones HT-20DX
For seismic data acquisition with high resolution.
Natural frequency 4, 5, 8, 10, 14, 28, 35, 40, 60 Hz.
Tolerance ±5%.
Sensor parameters HT-20DX
Parameter Value
HT-4 HT-10
Natural Frequency (Hz) 4±0.5 10±5%
Open Circuit Damping 0.68±5% 0.3±5%
Damping  With  Calibration - Shunt 1 kOm   0.707±5%
Open  Circuit  Sensitivity (v/m/s) 30.3±5% 28.0±5%
Sensitivity  With  Calibration - Shunt 1 kOm (v/m/s)   20.1±5%
Coil Resistance (Ω) 375±5% 395±5%
Harmonic Distortion (%) ≤0.2 ≤0.2
Typical Spurious Frequency (Hz) ≥250 ≥250
Moving Mass (g) 11 11
Allowable Tilt (°) 10° 20°
Typical  Case  To  Coil  Motion (mm) 2 1.5
Unit Diameter (mm) 25.4 25.4
Unit Height (mm) 33.5 33.5
Unit Mass (g) 87 87
Operating Temperature (℃) -40℃...+80℃ -40℃...+80℃
Limited Warranty Period (Year) 1 3
Geophone НТ-24, НТ-32.
High accuracy, low distortion, and high stability.
Tolerance ± 2.5%.
Distortion ≤ 0.1% increases the dynamic range of the geophones.
In geophones we use a leaf spring at a horizontal frequency of 250 Hz it provides high noise immunity.
Successful design of magnetic circuit and technology production of magnetic leaf spring make it possible to use geophones at an inclination of the vertical to 15°, which provides convenience and reliability of signal reception.


Sensor parameters HT-24
Parameter Value
Natural Frequency (Hz) 10±2.5%
Open Circuit Damping 0.25+5%-0%
Damping  With  Calibration - Shunt 1 kOm 0.69+5%-0%
Open  Circuit  Sensitivity (v/m/s) 28.8±2.5%
Sensitivity  With  Calibration - Shunt 1 kOm (v/m/s) 20.95±2.5%
Coil Resistance (Ω) 375±2.5%
Harmonic Distortion (%) ≤0.1
Typical Spurious Frequency (Hz) ≥250
Moving Mass (g) 11
Allowable Tilt (°) 10°
Typical  Case  To  Coil  Motion (mm) 2
Unit Diameter (mm) 25.4
Unit Height (mm) 33.5
Unit Mass (g) 87
Operating Temperature (℃) -40℃...+80℃
Limited Warranty Period (Year) 3
Sensor parameters HT-30
Parameter Value
Natural Frequency (Hz) 10±2.5%
Open Circuit Damping 0.3±2.5%
Damping  With  Calibration - Shunt 1 kOm 0.707±2.5%
Open  Circuit  Sensitivity (v/m/s) 28±2.5%
Sensitivity  With  Calibration - Shunt 1 kOm (v/m/s) 20.1±2.5%
Coil Resistance (Ω) 395±2.5%
Harmonic Distortion (%) ≤0.1
Typical Spurious Frequency (Hz) ≥250
Moving Mass (g) 11
Allowable Tilt (°) 10°
Typical  Case  To  Coil  Motion (mm) 1.5
Unit Diameter (mm) 25.4
Unit Height (mm) 34.5
Unit Mass (g) 90
Operating Temperature (℃) -40℃...+80℃
Limited Warranty Period (Year) 3

Sensor parameters HT-32
Parameter Value
Natural Frequency (Hz) 10±2.5%
Open Circuit Damping 0.316±2.5%
Damping  With  Calibration - Shunt 1 kOm 0.70±2.5%
Open  Circuit  Sensitivity (v/m/s) 27.5±2.5%
Sensitivity  With  Calibration - Shunt 1 kOm (v/m/s) 19.7±2.5%
Coil Resistance (Ω) 395±2.5%
Harmonic Distortion (%) ≤0.1
Typical Spurious Frequency (Hz) ≥250
Moving Mass (g) 11
Allowable Tilt (°) 10°
Typical  Case  To  Coil  Motion (mm) 1.5
Unit Diameter (mm) 25.4
Unit Height (mm) 33.5
Unit Mass (g) 87
Operating Temperature (℃) -40℃...+80℃
Limited Warranty Period (Year) 3


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